The magic of Greece started many years ago, the location of Greece is a big part of that magic, its geography represents important connections with the world, but in this country, we think there is a special influence of religion and customs. Besides we are sure of the influence of history on the desires, attitudes, norms and ideals of the people, because Greece was an important representative of sports, science, math, politics and philosophy, for this, we consider people is very educated, conservative, thinking, athletic, with a great sense of belonging for it what have been contributed to civilization. we also think their nearness with the sea and their long space of coasts with beautiful islands represents a particular way of living, that its based on a combination between some of modernity and conservative customs of times past, where women still have some limitations in society.

However, it is common that we have many stereotypes for a particular society, for this reason we have wanted to represent with a drawing something that we consider globally recognized, beyond all the virtues that we have mentioned of this place.

In drawing we pretend represent three common greek stereotypes: the first is the limited idea of many people about Greece, who only know this country because of his ancient culture, they have a superficial idea about ancient greeks and they don’t have any idea about other characteristics of greek culture, specially current greek culture. The second stereotype is related to the economic greek crisis, with this situation It has arised the idea that greeks are lazy, specially between other european countries. In drawing we try to strengthen this stereotype using a stereotyped character: Peter Griffin. The third stereotype is related to character’s clothing, this particular clothing is associated with the traditional greek dances. As well as many people only associate Greece with its ancient culture, many other people also have a superficial idea about greek traditions as for example, the greek ‘dance’ (actually Greeks have numerous traditional dances). Also with this point we can mention another common greek stereotype, It says that greek people really like to party.


  1. Great picture to show the Greek stereotype! You also described the differernt stereotypes accurately! I'm looking forward to the next post! - Paul


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