Greece and its customs seem not to have evolved much between what is considered ancient Greece and what this country is today.

Today in Greece, many women face discrimination similar to that of ancient Greece. Men still make most of the decisions and are considered the dominant and most important gender. However, in Greece and throughout Europe there are already very strong intentions to impose laws that improve the rights of women in this country. For example, women can now work and earn the same as a man at the same job, and there are also laws that protect women's jobs when they begin motherhood.

Although there are good intentions for women's rights and there are no legal barriers regarding employment options outside the home, Greek women still do not constitute a large percentage of the workforce. Although Greece's population is evenly divided between women and men, women only make up about 30% of the workforce, according to data compiled by Unicef.Our Colombian culture is not a different reality because it presents some similar ideas when we refer to the roles of women, the participation of women has been improving, but we are still indebted to this indicator of equity in the country. In Colombia, the unemployment rate is 13.9% for women (8.1% for men), that is, fewer opportunities for women, their labor participation is 52.5% (74.1% for men ), and 13.5% are domestic or unpaid employees and these statistics are important. because in Colombia, according to Dane, it is a reality that there are more women than men.

We know that there is much to do for our Colombian culture, but gender equality must remain a priority today. That is why the pronouncement of April 12, 2019 of the United Nations Office for Human Rights, the office of the high commissioner, against the reality of Greece where it says: "Greece must put gender equality at the heart of the recovery economic and social ", this should be an example for our Colombian culture and for the whole world because gender equality should be everywhere.


[1] Human Sexuality and Greek Culture. 2020. Gender Roles. [online] Available at:   <>

[2] 2020. The Rights Of Women In Modern Greece. [online] Available at: <>

[3]Mujeres y mercado laboral en Colombia: salarios no compensan cualificación.[online] Available at:

[4]Greece must put gender equality at the heart of economic and social recovery, say UN independent experts. [online] Available at:

[5] Are there more women than men in Colombia? [online] Available at:


  1. A very interesting and informative comparison! What are your personal views on these issues though? I look forward to the next posts! - Paul


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