Hellenic Paganism

Hellenic paganism refers to a group of people devoted to the ancient Greek gods. In the past, this religious practice was prohibited by the Emperor Theodosius I in the fourth century of the current era. Nowadays, a small number of people say that this religion has survived throughout the centuries. 

The current hellenistic groups base their religious views on three common sources: the ancient writings of classical authors like Homer and his contemporaries, the academic work about ancient hellenistic religion and their own experience. Most of these people are devoted to Olympic gods: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hermes, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Ares, and either Hestia or Dionysus. Typically, hellenes are governed by a set of ethical convictions inspired by ancient Greek virtues like moderation, reciprocity, hospitality, etc. Additionally, we can say that hellenes haven’t a clergy or a “dogma”.

Folk Culture Of Greece

In some cultures it is important to preserve the history on which this culture was found. Greek folk culture still exists throughout the country, as Greeks try to preserve the ancient and rich culture and history of their country. So, When you try to preserve history, It's necessary that you show the best and the most common costumes or traditions in your  town. The art, literature, the music with eastern and western influences are a very important part of the Greek history as well and are centuries old. One example of their music is "Robetko" is one of the Greek's older kinds of folk music with themes of poverty and suffering.

The Greek's art and literature has remained mostly the same from its folk culture methods but, In Greece folk culture has been greatly affected by new common culture. They have changed their clothing and music styles to fit the new western influences. Despite that some things have stayed the same even with the new western influences.

Urban tribe in Greece: Metalheads

The rise of this group in Greece was considerable in the 90s, when there was a rise of death metal rock subculture. Respect to metal music, Its characteristic sound emphasizes strident and fast style, with guitar such as major element in compositions. Apart from musical taste typically we can identify some common elements in people of this group such as clothing, with black as the main color in their clothing, long hair, and also their behavior and ideology (“rebellion against system” in peaceful terms, living the moment, generally they aren’t religious, etc).


[1] Greece. 2020. Folk And Popular Culture. [online] Available at: <>

[2] Peter Sommer Travels. 2020. Folk Traditions Of Greece | Find Out About Greek Culture. [online] Available at: <>

[3] WikiPagan. 2020. Hellenic Paganism. [online] Available at: <>

[4] Learn Religions. 2020. Hellenic Polytheism And The Reconstruction Of Greek Paganism. [online] Available at: <>

[5] 2020. Subcultures And Countercultures In Greece - Greece Cernin. [online] Available at: <>

[6] culture, G. and phrases, O., 2020. Metaleros (Urban Tribe): History, Characteristics And Ideology. [online] Life Persona. Available at: <>


  1. An informative and interesting post! Congratulations on thoroughly describing the different Greek subcultures! I have had a great time reading your whole blog these past few weeks! - Paul


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